
Most of our research projects involve interdisciplinary teams spread across campuses nationwide.  Here are some of our current collaborators, listed by broad discipline.


  • Jim Butler, Hydrogeologist, Kansas Geological Survey
    Dr. Butler’s research focuses on geologic characterization via novel methods such as direct push hydrostratigraphic profiling.
  • Chunmiao Zheng, Professor of Hydrogeology, University of Alabama
    Dr. Zheng works to understand the impacts of heterogeneities in the subsurface on contaminant transport.

Ecology and Biology

  • Joan Rose, Microbiologist, Water Quality, Environmental, and Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, Michigan State University
    Dr. Rose is interested in microbial pathogen transport in coastal systems and risks to recreational waters.
  • Bryan Pijanowski, Landscape Ecologist, Purdue University
    Dr. Pijanowski is interested in the intersection of anthropogenic landscape alteration and ecology.  His model, the Land Transformation Model is used worldwide and is a vital component of several projects at the Hydrogeology Lab.
  • Mike Wiley, Stream Ecologist, University of Michigan
    Among his research interests are the effects of watershed management decisions on stream ecology, particularly on fish populations.
  • Jan Stevenson, Aquatic Ecologist, Michigan State University
    Dr. Stevenson uses novel characterization methods to better understand the complex responses of aquatic ecosystems to stressors.
  • Deborah Goldberg, Associate Chair, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
    Her research investigates the processes that underlie patterns in plant community dynamics, structure, and function, combining experiments in the field, mesocosms, and greenhouse, field surveys at scales from centimeters to kilometers, and modeling to integrate results across approaches and scales.
  • William Currie, Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Michigan
    Dr. Currie studies the linkages among carbon, nutrient, and water cycling and energy flows and transformations in terrestrial ecosystems and human-environment systems.
  • Jason Martina, Assistant Professor of Biology, Our Lady of the Lake University
    His research expertise is in ecosystem ecology, ecosystem modeling, biogeochemistry, invasion ecology and wetland ecology.
  • Kenneth Elgersma, Assistant Professor of Ecosystem Ecology, University of Northern Iowa
    He has expertise in plant invasion ecology, soil microbial community structure and function, nitrogen cycling, and advanced statistical methods such as Bayesian hierarchical modeling.

Sociology and Economics

  • Stephen Gasteyer, Professor of Sociology, Michigan State University
    Dr. Gasteyer researches the structures and processes that influence community level access to critical natural resources and capacity to manage those resources.
  • Jinhua Zhao, Director, Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University
    Dr. Zhao is interested in natural resource and environmental economics, applied micro theory, global climate change, energy economics, trade and environment, real option theory, technology adoption, and dynamic decision making.
  • Nick Brozovic, Directory of Policy, Daugherty Water For Food Institute, University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Dr. Brozovic has extensive experience of water policy and hydroeconomic modeling, and in the economic analysis of dynamic stochastic systems, environmental markets, and the impacts of alternate management tools on stakeholders, ecosystems, and natural resources.


  • Nathan Moore, Professor of Geography, Michigan State University
    Dr. Moore works to understand climate change and land surface interactions via regional climate modeling.
  • Shiyan (Sharon) Zhong, Professor of Geography, Michigan State University.
    Dr. Zhong’s research interests lie primarily in improving our understanding of atmospheric boundary layer and mesoscale processes with an emphasis on those induced by topography and landscape heterogeneity.
  • Jonathan Winter, Professor of Geography, Dartmouth College
    Dr. Winter’s research and teaching explore climate prediction and the impacts of climate variability and change on water resources and agriculture.
  • Jeff Andresen, State of Michigan Climatologist, Michigan State University
    Aside from his outreach duties as the State of Michigan Climatologist, Dr. Andresen is interested in the application of meteorological products to hydrological and ecological problems.

Remote Sensing

  • Jiaguo Qi, Director of Center for Global Change and Earth Observations, Department of Geography, Michigan State University
    Dr. Qi  focuses on the development of methodologies and geospatial tools to allow a quantification of the spatio-temporal patterns and processes resulting from complex interactions between human and natural systems.
  • Laura Borgeau-Chavez, Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute
    Her work has focused on Synthetic Aperture Radar and the fusion of SAR and Multispectral data for mapping and monitoring wetlands and monitoring soil moisture for fire danger prediction in boreal regions.