Michigan State University offers numerous courses related to Hydrogeology for undergraduates interested in the application of hydrogeology and groundwater resources. The course offered at MSU are listed below and are intended to prepares students for graduate programs and professional careers in environmental geology, geology, environmental geosciences, engineering, and hydrogeology. For students interested in majoring in geology or environmental geoscience, visit the following website: https://ees.natsci.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate/http://geology.msu.edu/undergraduate.html
Undergraduate Research

Within the hydrogeology lab, there are opportunities for undergraduate research. Undergraduate research is a way for students to broaden their academic experience beyond classwork. Students working in the Hydrogeology lab have opportunities conduct research on real world problems and participate in fieldwork. Undergraduate researchers are also offered to enroll in a training program. (See Research Training Program for more information). The MSU Hydrogeology lab makes an effort to develop and active and supportive student community.
Undergraduate Courses
GLG 201 – The Dynamic Earth
Physical and chemical processes related to the past, present and future behavior of the earth system, and the energy systems that drive these processes. A study of the earth’s materials, the earth’s surface and the earth’s interior.
GLG 303- Oceanography
Physical, chemical, biological, and geological aspects of oceanography: ocean circulation, waves, tides, air-sea interactions, chemical properties of ocean water, ocean productivity, shoreline processes, and sediments.
GLG 306 – Evironmental Geomorphology
Relationships of running water, weathering, gravity, ice, waves, wind, and biota (including humans) to terrain and soils. Evolution of landscapes. Classical and modern interpretations.
GLG 319 – Introduction to Earth System Science
Systems approach to Earth as an integration of geochemical, geophysical, biological and social components. Global dynamics at a variety of spatio-temporal scales. Sustainability of the Earth system.
CE 321 – Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Fluid properties, fluid statics, fluids in motion. Conservation of mass, energy, and momentum. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Internal and external flows.Applications.
GEO 408 – Soil Geomorphology Field Study
Common geographic relationships among soils, landforms, and vegetation in lower Michigan. Description, analysis, and genesis of soils and landscapes. Surficial processes.
GLG 411 – Hydrogeology
This course studies the different aspects of groundwater and its movement. Students will use equations to determine groundwater depth and flow including Darcy’s Law and Bernoulli’s equation. Other aspects that are discussed in the course include the origination of groundwater and the geologic factors that control its movement and location.
GLG 412 – Glacial Geology and the Record of Climate Change
In-depth analysis of glacial geology and the record of climate change, with emphasis on North America and Europe. Laboratory focuses on glacial processes. One weekend field trip required.
GLG 413 – Groundwater Contamination
Occurrence, transport, and fate of contaminants in groundwater, hydrogeologic controls, and remediation technologies.
GLG 421 – Environmental Geochemistry
Natural and anthropogenic processes affecting environmental chemistry with emphasis on the water cycle. Chemical equilibria, kinetics, geochemical cycling, acid rain, carbon dioxide, heavy metals, toxic organics, global change and the greenhouse effect.
CE 421 – Engineering Hydrology
Hydrologic design of stormwater systems. Equilibrium hydrograph analysis, unit hydrographs, infiltration, hydrograph synthesis, and reservoir routing. Groundwater: Darcy’s law, flow nets, well hydraulics, design of capture wells.
CE 422 – Applied Hydraulics
Fundamentals of open-channel flow. Rapidly and gradually varied nonuniform flow analysis. Confined flows past submerged bodies, in pipe networks, and in turbo machinery. Design applications.
GEO 424 – Advanced Remote Sensing
This course focuses on both radar and thermal remote sensing as well as digital image processing. The different spheres of Earth (atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere) and their interaction with solar radiation is the primary focus of study.
GLG 426 – Biogeochemisty
Integration of the principles of ecology, microbiology, geochemistry, and environmental chemistry. Societal applications of research in aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
CSS 442 – Agricultural Ecology
This course helps students understand the basis of agricultural ecosystems. Students will understand the basic principles behind ecosystems such as how they are designed and created as well as managed. Another aspect of the course is the integration of crop regulations, which highly affects the lands productivity as well as ecosystem.
CSS 452 – Watershed Concepts
Watershed hydrology and management. The hydrologic cycle, water quality, aquatic ecosystems, and social systems. Laws and institutions for managing water resources.
CSS 455 – Pollutants in the Soil Environment
Environmental sources, physiochemical and biological processes, management of plant nutrients, heavy metals, organic contaminants, pesticides and pharmaceuticals in soil and water.
GLG 470 – Principles of Modern Geophysics
Theory of solid-earth geophysics including geochronology, geothermics, geomagnetism and paleomagnetism, geodesy and gravity, rheology, and travel-time seismology.
GLG 471 – Applied Geophysics
Application of seismic, gravity, magnetic, resistivity, and electromagnetic methods to problems related to engineering studies, mineral and oil exploration, groundwater, subsurface mapping, pollution, and hazardous waste.
GLG 481 – Reservoirs and Aquifers
Principles of the origin and evolution of porous media. Porosity and permeability of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Computing techniques for evaluating reservoirs and aquifers.
ENE 481 Environmental Chemistry: Equilibrium Concepts
Chemistry of natural environmental systems and pollutants. Equilibrium concepts and calculations for acid-base, solubility, complexation, redox and phase partitioning reactions and processes. Applications to ecosystem analysis, pollutant fate and transport, and environmental protection.