Michigan State University is recognized as one of the top research universities in the world as well as one of the biggest campuses in the nation. Its roots reach back as far as 1855 when it first started as the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan. MSU was a pioneer for land-grant universities and still upholds its long traditions of using research and gained knowledge to benefit and create solutions for communities around the world.
As of Fall 2019, 49,809 students are enrolled at the university. 10,663 are graduate students. Sponsored research was $754 million in the 2021-2022 academic year. The top federal funding agents are the National Science Foundation, US Department of Health and Human Services, the US Department of Agriculture and Department of Energy.
MSU is one of the best places to work for academia in the nation. MSU provides excellent facilities for research, including specialized equipment, technical and analytical support and a wide library collection and literature database.
MSU is the nation’s leader in study abroad programs with more than 240 programs on all continents and in over 60 countries. MSU is committed to community engagement and share resources with individuals, communities and businesses.
Read more: http://msu.edu/about/index.html