Emily Luscz


My research focuses on developing source models for nutrient loading to watersheds in the lower peninsula of Michigan. Watershed nutrient loading models are important tools used to address issues including eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and decreases in aquatic species diversity. A source specific model will help show the value of detailed source inputs, revealing regional trends while still providing insight to the existence of variability at smaller scales.
I have additional interest and background in groundwater management, characterization, and prediction for mining projects and contaminated sites.


Dartmouth College, 2008 BA

Recent Abstracts:

Luscz E.C., Kendall, A.D., Martin, S.L., Hyndman, D.W. (2011): Modeling Nutrient Loading to Watersheds in the Great Lakes Basin: A Detailed Source Model at the Regional Scale, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco

Breckenridge, James Larry; Luscz, Emily (2011): Predicting Underground Mine Dewatering Requirements: A Case Study of a Precious Metal Mine in a Subtropical Environment. – In: Rüde, R. T., Freund, A. & Wolkersdorfer, Ch.: Mine Water – Managing the Challenges. – p. 101 – 105; Aachen, Germany.