Jillian Deines

DeinesCoringCoupled Human-Water Systems

My research integrates the biophysical, socioeconomic, and political components of human water use to inform sustainable water management. I use satellite remote sensing and economic data to drive physical models of human-water systems, including agricultural and urban water uses. These systems models are then used to understand human water use, governance, and the associated impacts on water resources.


Personal Website

Deines Curriculum Vitae – September 2017



  • Ph.D., Michigan State University, May 2013 – present
    Environmental Geosciences
  • M.S., Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, 2009
    Thesis: Conservation management under climate change: on tropical drought resistance, non-native species response to increasing disturbance, and assisted migration
    Advisor: Jessica J. Hellmann
  • B.S., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Saint Louis University, 2006
    Minor: Anthropology