I first started my career as geologist knowing that I wanted to major in either environmental geology or hydrogeology in my eighth grade year of middle school at my home town, Spring Lake, MI. I went on through high school never changing what I wanted to be all the way through high school and college by which I eventually graduated from Central Michigan University with a B.S. with a major in Environmental Geology and another major in Environmental Science.
In the fall of 2005 I applied to Michigan State University after being in contact with Dr. Hyndman (my current advisor). I was impressed on how close the research group here was and how closely everyone worked together. There seemed to be an abundance of research topics that I could have worked with ranging from hydrology to near surface geophysics. Two years later I am completing my thesis on Land use effects on sediment and nutrient transport. I have also had the chance to present my research from other projects I have done while at MSU at the American Geophysical Union (held in San Francisco) for three consecutive years and once at GSA in Salt Lake City.
My experience while working in this lab as a hydrologist and Environmental Geophysicist has befitted my career. The skill sets, knowledge, and working synergy that I have come to enjoy have been my number one reason I would recommend this lab to anyone. The unique combinations of modeling capabilities, hydrology related field work, near-surface geophysical methods, and the critical thinking skills that one can develop as a Master’s or PhD will provide a valuable skill set to any company, research group, or institution/agency.
I am currently interviewing for jobs out in the Seattle, Atlanta, and Denver areas. After graduating with my M.S., I hope to work a few years in the consulting industry and then go back for my PhD.