The Landscape Hydrology Model (LHM) is a new landscape hydrology simulation suite capable of very large domain, fine resolution modeling. It simulates nearly the entire terrestrial hydrologic cycle with full energy- and water-balance physically-based component modules. LHM incorporates a host of novel components, but integrates fully with the USGS MODFLOW software, and allows existing MODFLOW simulations to run with little modification.
LHM is written primarily in MATLAB, with a number of ArcGIS interface modules written in Python. It is coupled with MODFLOW using a pass-to-disk coupling, which requires a slight modification of the MODFLOW source code. Currently, the plan is to migrate fully to Python within the next year, as Python provides a much more robust development environment, and greater possibilities for GUI front end development.
LHM is currently nearing public release. If you are interested in previewing the software, or collaborating on its development, contact Anthony Kendall. The software and all associated model development tools will be released under an open source license. It is the intention of the developers that LHM be adopted by the broader community as a tool for landscape hydrologic simulations at a variety of spatial scales.
LHM was developed at Michigan State University primarily by Anthony Kendall and Dr. David Hyndman. The work of students including Dushmantha Jayawickreme, Nicklaus Welty, and Cheryl Kendall was critical to the development of earlier versions of the software.
Related Publications:
- Wiley, MJ, DW Hyndman, BC Pijanowski, AD Kendall, C Riseng, ES Rutherford, ST Cheng, ML Carlson, JA Tyler, RJ Stevenson, PJ Steen, PW Seelbach, JM Koches, and RR Rediske, (2010), A multi-modeling approach to evaluating climate and land use change impacts in a Great Lakes River Basin, Hydrobiologia, doi: 10.1007/s10750-010-0239-2
- Hyndman, DW, AD Kendall, and NRH Welty, (2007), Evaluating Temporal and Spatial Variations in Recharge and Streamflow Using the Landscape Hydrology Model (LHM), Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series 171: 121-141
Related Conference Abstracts:
- Kendall, A, JA Bernstein, and DW Hyndman, (2007), Improving Regional Groundwater Recharge Models With A Network Of High-Resolution Temperature Recording Buttons, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs
- Kendall, AD, and DW Hyndman, (2007), Simulating Fluxes Through Large Watersheds Using Remotely Sensed and Ground Based Datasets With the Landscape Hydrology Model LHM, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs